Health Savings Account (HSAs)

Doctor's orders - start saving for health expenses
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Tax-free savings can help you address future expenses.

Tax benefits (please consult your advisor) while saving for healthcare costs
Unlimited withdrawals for qualified expenses
Unused funds roll over annually

If you're enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), you can use our Health Savings Account to save at a steady rate and take some of the stress out of paying for medical care.

There's growing concern among customers over the growing cost of healthcare. Atlantic Union Bank helps you prepare for tomorrow with this HSA, designed to build your savings at a competitive rate while providing anytime access to your money when you need it for qualified medical expenses.

  • The larger your balance, the more you earn, with higher rates paid when you reach the $10,000 and $25,000 marks
  • Get three distinct tax advantages: Contributions to your HSA are not taxed; funds in your HSA grow tax-free; and any withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are also tax-free
  • You decide what medical expenses to pay for using your HSA without relying on the insurer
  • You don't lose what you don't spend - unused funds roll over every year and continue to grow
  • $3.50 monthly service charge applies